2023 Annual Meeting Details
2023 Annual Meeting Details
We'd like to invite you to attend the 2023 Indiana CTSI Annual Meeting: [...]
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We'd like to invite you to attend the 2023 Indiana CTSI Annual Meeting: [...]
Speaker Bios Connie Carroll Nephew Panel Member Carroll is retired from the paycheck-driven world but is always [...]
The Access Technology Program (ATP) connects investigators to novel technologies and facilitates access to any of our 60+ CTSI Core Services [...]
The BPC advises upon and/or conducts behavioral experiments in rats or mice. Assays include assessments of general sensory and motor [...]
Our laboratory provides clinically validated liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry testing for researchers interested in quantifying metabolites in a wide [...]
The Bioinformatics Core provides advanced computation and informatics approaches to analyze large and complex biological datasets.
The Bioinformatics Core provides data analysis services for genomics, proteomics and metabolomics data.
Provide software and technology solutions for research, especially for projects that involve electronic protected health information (ePHI).
The BIC Facility offers sophisticated instrumentation dedicated to characterizing biomolecular conformations and interactions, as well as equipment for the isolation [...]
The IUSCCC Biospecimen Collection and Banking Core (BC2) provides an extensive collection of well-annotated samples from patients with malignancy and [...]
The CTSI Biospecimen Management Core consists of the Specimen Storage Facility (SSF) and the Clinical and Translational Support Laboratory (CTSL), [...]
The Biostatistics Consulting Center provides study design and data analysis for health-related research, including study design, grant or protocol development, sample [...]
The Biostatistics and Health Data Science Core collaborates with investigators in the planning, statistical design, data management, and analysis of [...]
Translational Research Development Program The Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI) is a vital [...]
Conduct validated and highly reproducible in vitro and in vivo angiogenesis, endothelial, hematopoietic and multi-parametric flow cytometry assays and their [...]
CEPR provides rigorous, high-quality, non-partisan evaluation, policy analyses, and research for meaningful, useful, and actionable data for clients and project [...]
The CGB offers a wide range of genomic services, including high-throughput DNA/RNA extraction, library preparation, next-generation sequencing, and bioinformatic analysis.
Leading academic research center providing expert research design, sampling, questionnaire design, interface development and programming, data collection, data processing, and [...]
What is the Clinical Investigation and Translational Education (CITE) Program? The Indiana CTSI’s Clinical Investigation and Translational Education (CITE) [...]
Resource center providing cDNAs, plasmids, Drosophila cell lines, transgenic cell line and authentication service.
The Purdue Flow Cytometry Core Facility provides instrumentation, data analysis software, training and technical expertise for flow cytometry analysis and [...]
The Freimann Life Sciences Center is comprised of 2 state-of-the-art animal facilities equipped to house a wide variety of vertebrates. [...]
The Indiana University Genome Editing Center (IUGEC) is a shared resource whose mission is to provide Indiana University and external [...]
The Purdue Genomics Core provides both next generation – Illumina NovaSeq and MiSeq – and Sanger sequencing with an additional [...]
The HANDS (Helping Answer Needs by Developing Specialists) in Autism® Interdisciplinary Training & Resource Center is located within the Department [...]
The Histology Research Laboratory is a full service histology laboratory that provides general histology, immunohistochemistry, frozen sectioning, decalcified and undecalcified [...]
Histology and Histomorphetry Core (HHC) provides histological and histomorphometric services for basic science (non-clinical) research. Mineralized (plastic embedded), soft tissue [...]
The Indiana University School of Medicine Electron Microscopy Center is a full service research laboratory providing both Transmission and Scanning [...]
The IRF is a state-of-the-art neuroimaging facility that enables cutting-edge neuroscience research and training using non-invasive imaging methodologies, including both [...]
The Immunohistochemistry Research Lab specializes in assisting researchers with histologic and immunohistochemical labeling of cells or tissue sections as well [...]
The In Vivo Therapeutics Core (IVTC) supports the research and development of safe and more efficacious drug treatment. The IVTC [...]
The In-Vivo Imaging Core provides imaging services for clinical trials, observational, and preclinical studies. We also provide radiochemistry support for [...]
Need help finding the right resources? As a statewide partnership between the University of Notre Dame, Purdue University [...]
Indiana CTSI and Ivy Tech Research Scholars Program The Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (Indiana CTSI), in [...]
The ICBM provides researchers with access to laser-scanning confocal, 2-photon and epi-fluorescence microscopes (http://www.medicine.indianapolis.iu.edu/ICBM/USING-THE-FACILITY). Center personnel train individual researchers to [...]
The Infectious Diseases Laboratory (IDL) is skilled at performing clinical research studies including the evaluation of new molecular technologies for [...]
The Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility (NDIIF) is a state-of-the-art research core that makes available to the Notre Dame science [...]
The Islet and Physiology Core of the Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases provides investigators with the capability to obtain [...]
The Laboratory Animal Resource Center (LARC) provides basic husbandry, training, supplies, and specialized service support for medical research at IU [...]
LAR provides housing, food, water, bedding, enrichment and medical care for animals housed in LAR animal facilities to be used [...]
The LBMS uses mass spectrometry to characterize proteins as well as other biologically-derived molecules. It specializes in the characterization of [...]
The LMIC provides access and training for confocal and super-resolution light microscopy systems with support for experimental design and data [...]
The Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography Facility provides all resources for Crystal Screening and Optimization, Data Collection and Structure Determination of macromolecules.
The Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC) supports research in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, engineering and related fields. The MRRC operates [...]
The Metabolite Profiling Facility (MPF) provides both qualitative (comparative analysis) and quantitative (absolute concentrations) metabolite chemical analysis in complex biological [...]
The PBIF provides resources to characterize particle properties as well as macromolecular interactions.
The Pre-Clinical Research Laboratory (PCL) helps researchers conduct pre-clinical animal research by providing research expertise, technical support, surgical experience, and [...]
The Preclinical Modeling and Therapeutics Core (PMTC) facilitates the development of pharmacological and cellular therapies for cancer. It provides advanced [...]
The Purdue Proteomics Facility provides chromatography, mass spectrometry and bioinformatic resources for the research communities on campus and beyond for [...]
The Purdue MRI Facility houses two 3T full body MRI systems and one 7T small bore (animal) MRI system that [...]
Services RDS offerings include, but are not limited to:• Feasibility• DIY: i2b2• Cohorts• Recruitment Lists• Registries• Patient Lists• Geocoding• Phenotyping• [...]
The Indiana CTSI aims to make research as accessible and community-friendly as possible, so we’ve compiled a list of [...]
Research Jam is an interdisciplinary team of healthcare, research, and design professionals. The team uses human-centered design research to collaborate [...]
This article details an Ontario acute care hospital’s response to COVID-19 outbreaks in nearby nursing homes. The hospital explained the [...]
The Stark Neurosciences Research Institute Biomarker Core provides biomarker services to investigators. Multiplexing of targets in tissues or on a [...]
The Translation Core provides services that facilitate the conduct of research involving human subjects, including supplying low-cost, high-quality analyte measurements [...]
Indiana CTSI Undergraduate Summer Internships 2023 Summer Undergraduate participants (© Denis Ryan Kelly Jr.) Overview The [...]
The Veterinary Clinical Trials Support Service (VCT) facilitates veterinary clinical trials and provides expertise and technical support for translational clinical [...]