Are You Prepared for Peak Week?

Are You Prepared for Peak Week?

August 30, 2024

During September, the Indiana Joint Asthma Coalition promotes awareness of Asthma Peak Week. Asthma Peak Week is always the 3rd week of September. During this week there are more asthma-related hospitalizations or flare-ups than any other week in the year. This peak mostly affects children but can affect adults as well.

Peak week occurs due to many common triggers being in the air during this week of the year, such as ozone exposure and ragweed allergens, which is a classic trigger for asthma. Back-to-school season can also result in a lot of new germs being spread between kids that are not spread during the summer months. The amount of mold outside goes up with leaves starting to fall. Lastly, flu season is beginning this time of year which can make asthma worse.

How do you stay healthy this September?

  1. Stay in the loop or create a new Asthma Action Plan. Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America has a great Asthma Action Plan to follow.
  2. Always carry your medication with you because you never know when you will need to use it.
  3. Practice proper hand washing to help keep viruses away. Use the CDC guide to learn when, how, and how long you should be washing your hands for.
  4. Review your personal asthma triggers and avoid your asthma triggers when you can.
  5. Get your annual flu shot every September or October.
  6. Monitor your air quality at Air Now.
  7. Be sure that your prescription medications are filled and up to date.

To learn more about Peak Week with our flipbooks, now in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole, please explore the Indiana Joint Asthma Coalition website.

|2024-08-30T13:54:27-04:00August 30th, 2024|CINH - Indiana Joint Asthma Coalition Resources, CINH The Connection resources|Comments Off on Are You Prepared for Peak Week?

About the Author: Karen Hinshaw

Karen Hinshaw

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