
photo of man sitting at a desk working with a pen, paper and computer
If you have diabetes and are concerned about getting coronavirus while working, you can ask for reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Americans with Disabilities Act is a federal law requiring employers to provide employees with disabilities Read More
photo of fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts
MyPlate, MyWins is all about finding a healthy eating style that works for your family and fits with your everyday life. The MyPlate icon is a reminder to make healthy choices from each of the five food groups, and there Read More
photo of woman kissing a child
Parents of children with asthma may have concerns about how COVID-19 could affect their child. Children with asthma tend to have more severe symptoms from respiratory diseases like the flu. However, there are no indications that this is always the Read More
photo of a young girl being tempted by tobacco products
The World Health Organization and Connections IN Health are focusing on tobacco use prevention among youth and raising awareness on the importance of how and why the industry seeks to attract young people. We need to be as healthy as Read More
photo of staff working in a restaurant kitchen
Eating at a restaurant, bakery, cafeteria, or fast food establishment can be an enjoyable and convenient experience. However, if you have food allergies, it’s imperative that every precaution has been taken to ensure the food being served is safe. Persons Read More
photo of dandelion that has gone to seed with seeds falling off the stem
Seasonal allergy symptoms may be concerning because of widespread COVID-19 cases, especially for people with heart disease. Here are common symptoms to help distinguish between allergies and COVID-19. Allergy symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. Allergy symptoms may Read More
photo of one person's hand reaching for another person's hand
The past few weeks have been stressful and full of changes— from loss of social connections, interrupted routines, to fears and rumors spreading faster than COVID-19 itself. People with autism may need more support to understand news, process their feelings, Read More
photo of grassy hill with cloudy blue sky
Air pollution is harmful to everyone’s health. It can be especially dangerous for those who have asthma because it can trigger asthma attacks.  Early studies have suggested that high levels of air pollution may be linked to worse outcomes from Read More
photo of nuts, fruits and grains on a platter
During food allergy action month, Connections IN Health wants you to know the facts surrounding food allergies and how you may be able to help one of the 32 million Americans with food allergies.  A food allergy is an immune Read More
photo of woman experiencing stress with hand on head and hand held out with words related to stress all around her
Stress can be an asthma trigger. Here are ways to reduce stress while at home. Practice deep breathing exercises regularly. Learn why breathing exercises are important and how to complete them from the American Lung Association. Exercise every day. If Read More

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