1021 W. 5th Ave.
IN 46402
The Better Together Plan (BTP) is a single, statewide plan that addresses heart disease, stroke, and diabetes in the state of Indiana. This is the first time Indiana is addressing all three of these disease states together in a single, statewide plan. The BTP identifies key priorities for Indiana and provides opportunities for individuals, organizations, agencies, and communities to join in the work while connecting with their priorities and interests.
Together, the combined efforts of these entities around the state will improve cardiovascular health and prevent, effectively treat, and manage diabetes in Indiana.
Your contributions to the state planning process (which extended from March 2015 through November 2016) were invaluable. The successful implementation of the Plan can only be accomplished through the collective action of various state, regional, and local organizations within Indiana. We asked you to join our efforts to prevent and control cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke, and you did just that!
The Plan is finally done and we are excited to bring it back to our regional partners.
We would love to see you! So please register today AND share this information with any interested parties within your organizations.