National Immunization Awareness Month

National Immunization Awareness Month

August 11, 2020

photo of a person receiving a vaccine by another personAugust is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM). This is a chance to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages.  In observance of NIAM, Connections IN Health is spreading the word about the importance of vaccines for those diagnosed with diabetes.

Though there is no cure yet for diabetes, there are steps you can take to stay on top of your health. You may know the basics such as staying active, making conscious food choices, and keeping up with medical care. However, there is one easy essential step you may be missing: your vaccinations.

Staying up to date with vaccines is essential for people with diabetes. Every year, thousands of adults in the United States suffer from diseases that could have been prevented by vaccines. Because diabetes can make it harder for your immune system to fight some infections, you may be at higher risk of getting certain diseases if you are living with diabetes. Not to mention that people with diabetes are at higher risk of serious problems from some vaccine-preventable diseases.

What vaccines should people with diabetes stay up to date with?
Influenza Vaccine
Tdap Vaccine
Zoster Vaccine
Pneumococcal Vaccine
Hepatitis B Vaccine

If you have diabetes, make sure to talk with your health care provider about the immunizations you need. The Center for Disease Control has a number of tools to help you stay on track with your care, including a printable “Vaccination Plan.” For more information, visit the full article from the on the CDC website.

|2020-08-11T16:11:27-04:00August 11th, 2020|CINH - Cardiovascular and Diabetes Coalition Resources, CINH The Connection resources|Comments Off on National Immunization Awareness Month

About the Author: Karen Hinshaw

Karen Hinshaw

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