Post-Doctoral Training Award (T32)

Post-Doctoral Training Award (TL1)2025-02-07T12:55:08-05:00

The Indiana CTSI provides funding for its special Post-doctoral Training Award in Translational Research.

  • These awards are designed to provide promising postdoctoral fellows with the opportunity to be mentored in research-intensive, multi-disciplinary settings toward the goal of developing careers in translational research.
  • Translational research is the process of turning observations in the laboratory, clinic, and community into interventions to improve the health of individuals and the public.
  • Emphasis of these awards is to move findings from basic laboratory and pre-clinical research (T1) to the development of new treatment options/interventions or clinical trials (T2) to dissemination/clinical implementation (T3) to studying population health outcomes/health metrics (T4).
  • The goal of the CTSI is to make awards at all of these stages.
  • It is important that the proposed research has clear applications to human disease and health outcomes.

Post-doctoral Training Award eligibility requirements

Criteria for applications include:

  • Candidates must have received a PhD or equivalent degree and have less than 36 months combined experience as a post-doctoral fellow at any academic institution or industry
  • Per NIH policy, no individual trainee may receive more than three years of aggregate Kirchstein-NRSA support at the post-doctoral level
  • Candidates must identify co-mentors from two different disciplines
  • Candidates’ research should be translational in nature
  • Candidates must be a US citizen or permanent residence

What are the benefits?

Post-doctoral Training Awardees receive:

  • Salary support
  • Health insurance
  • Monies for research supplies
  • Travel funds to attend the annual national meeting of the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program in Washington, D.C., in April*

*Note that trainees are required to attend the national CTSA meeting in Washington, D.C., and to present a poster about their work at the Indiana CTSI’s Annual Meeting in September.

How to apply

Applications for the Post-doctoral Training Award are due in December and awards begin April 1 the following year. The award is for two years, with the second year of funding contingent upon review and demonstration of satisfactory progress.

Questions? Contact Patricia McGuire at or 317-278-2824.

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