
This Viewpoint discusses how COVID-19–related policy decisions lead to trade-offs between medical, economic, social, and psychological outcomes, and emphasizes the need to account for deaths associated with unemployment and depression when estimating excess mortality. The author believes that with new Read More
This review was posted on behalf of Spencer Hofschulte-Beck, medical student at Marian University, and approved by Dr. Kathleen Unroe, IU School of Medicine Associate Professor, geriatrician, and IU Center for Aging Research Scientist. COVID-19 Testing of healthcare workers This Read More
This Viewpoint emphasizes the importance of accurate, detailed documentation of cause of death, underlying medical disease, and contributing comorbidities to allow public health agencies to track and manage the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic based on timely and accurate data. Read More
This Viewpoint proposes policy responses to boost influenza vaccination uptake and reduce the anticipated morbidity and mortality of an influenza–COVID-19 co-epidemic in fall 2020. The authors suggest that the confluence of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza this fall and winter will Read More
This Viewpoint compares manual and digital strategies for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) contact tracing, describes how countries in Asia and Europe have used smartphone tracking, and discusses privacy and discrimination concerns and strategies for balancing public health and civil liberties Read More
This viewpoint discusses how big data and artificial intelligence can help coordinate aid relief in developing countries where governments may lack data on household incomes. The author presents theoretical, planned, and executed scenarios including: Processing satellite imagery with deep learning Read More
This Viewpoint discusses the long history of racial inequities that cause black populations in US cities to bear a disproportionate burden of COVID-19 illness and mortality and calls for a renewed commitment to eliminating disparities that have been made so Read More

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