The Indiana Joint Asthma Coalitions’ Environmental Triggers Workgroup is Promoting the Clean Air in Buildings Challenge

The Indiana Joint Asthma Coalitions’ Environmental Triggers Workgroup is Promoting the Clean Air in Buildings Challenge

April 3, 2023

Image shows an air vent atop a building with mountains in the backdropWe encourage all building owners and operators, schools, colleges and universities, and organizations of all kinds to adopt key strategies to improve indoor air quality in their buildings and reduce the spread of COVID-19.  

List of links to key resources on the Clean Air in Buildings Challenge to support you in making these improvements:

Improving air quality specifically in the home, here are links to relevant Environmental Protection AgencyEPA resources: 

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has recommended some of their resources on indoor air quality in the home as well: 

|2023-04-03T14:13:55-04:00April 3rd, 2023|CINH - Indiana Joint Asthma Coalition Resources, CINH The Connection resources|Comments Off on The Indiana Joint Asthma Coalitions’ Environmental Triggers Workgroup is Promoting the Clean Air in Buildings Challenge

About the Author: Carolyn Voight

Carolyn Voight

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