Service Cores

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Service Cores

Indiana CTSI Research Service Cores and Resources

The Indiana CTSI Research Service Cores and Resources are your aid to locate instrumentation and services suited to your research. A listing of a Core’s capabilities, contact information, and website address can be found by clicking their ‘Learn More’ button. All of the Designated Service Cores are eligible for CTSI Core Pilot grants and Post-Doc grants
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IU Indianapolis

Designated Service Core

Cellular Response Technologies Core

Conduct validated and highly reproducible in vitro and in vivo angiogenesis, endothelial, hematopoietic and multi-parametric flow cytometry assays and their role in normal and patient-related hematologic and cardiovascular disorders. The ABC also manages an IncuCyte Zoom and Seahorse XFp.

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Purdue University

Designated Service Core

Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Facility

The Purdue Flow Cytometry Core Facility provides instrumentation, data analysis software, training and technical expertise for flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting. Our capabilities also include the characterization of genome and transcriptomes using the Fluidigm C1 and 10X Genomics systems, in partnership with the Purdue Genomics Core Facility.

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Flow Cytometry Core Facility (FCCF)

The IU-B FCCF provides flow cytometry analysis, sorting and cell counting services, access to flow cytometry data analysis software, assistance with experimental design, and houses a mobile (on a cart) flow cytometry analyzer and a large particle sorter.

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IU Indianapolis

Designated Service Core

Flow Cytometry Resource Facility (FCRF)

The Flow Cytometry Resource Facility (FCRF) provides flow cytometric analysis and cell sorting services as well as flow cytometric image analysis.

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IUSM South Bend

Designated Service Core

Imaging and Flow Cytometry Core Facility

Standard confocal or multiphoton resources for imaging live or fixed samples and a 5 color flow cytometric analyzer are available. Data analysis software for each resource is also available on site.

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Laboratory for Biological Mass Spectrometry (LBMS)

The LBMS uses mass spectrometry to characterize proteins as well as other biologically-derived molecules. It specializes in the characterization of protein post-translational modifications, including glycosylation, phosphorylation, acetylation and persulfidation (S-sulfhydration). We also have an emphasis on identification of protein-interactions (including determination of protein-protein crosslinks) and quantitative comparisons of complex samples.

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IU Indianapolis

Designated Service Core

Preclinical Modeling and Therapeutics Core (PMTC)

The Preclinical Modeling and Therapeutics Core (PMTC) facilitates the development of pharmacological and cellular therapies for cancer. It provides advanced resources essential for the preclinical validation of novel drug targets and biomarkers of cancer. The PMTC provides expertise in:
• Cellular response technologies
• Breeding of specialized mouse strains
• Tumor modeling
• In vivo therapeutics efficacy & safety testing
• …

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IU Indianapolis

Non-Designated Service Resource

Translational Research Core (TRC)

The Translational Research Core specializes in assisting researchers with the identification/development and analysis of laboratory correlates in translational research.

|2024-04-25T13:56:05-04:00April 25th, 2024|Comments Off on Service Cores

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