Service Cores

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Service Cores

Indiana CTSI Research Service Cores and Resources

The Indiana CTSI Research Service Cores and Resources are your aid to locate instrumentation and services suited to your research. A listing of a Core’s capabilities, contact information, and website address can be found by clicking their ‘Learn More’ button. All of the Designated Service Cores are eligible for CTSI Core Pilot grants and Post-Doc grants
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IU Indianapolis

Designated Service Core

Behavioral Phenotyping Core (BPC)

The BPC advises upon and/or conducts behavioral experiments in rats or mice. Assays include assessments of general sensory and motor function, cognitive processing, affective reactivity, and PK/PD relationships in drug evaluations.

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Purdue University

Non-Designated Service Resource

Bioinformatics Core

The Bioinformatics Core provides data analysis services for genomics, proteomics and metabolomics data.

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IU Indianapolis

Designated Service Core

Bioinformatics Core

The Bioinformatics Core provides advanced computation and informatics approaches to analyze large and complex biological datasets.

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Purdue University

Designated Service Core

Biological Evaluation (BE-SR)

The Biological Evaluation Shared Resource performs highly customizable efficacy testing of novel drug or therapies for antitumor activity. We also acquire blood or tissues for pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic analyses.

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IU Indianapolis

Non-Designated Service Resource

Biomedical and Health Research Services

Provide software and technology solutions for research, especially for projects that involve electronic protected health information (ePHI).

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IU Indianapolis

Designated Service Core

Biospecimen Management Core (CTSL/SSF)

The CTSI Biospecimen Management Core consists of the Specimen Storage Facility (SSF) and the Clinical and Translational Support Laboratory (CTSL), which together offer cost efficient sample processing & storage services with a focus on consistent quality and sample integrity.

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IU Indianapolis

Designated Service Core

Biostatistics and Health Data Science Core

The Biostatistics and Health Data Science Core collaborates with investigators in the planning, statistical design, data management, and analysis of health related clinical, laboratory and epidemiological research projects. Grant development assistance is provided without charge.

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Biostatistics Consulting Center

The Biostatistics Consulting Center provides study design and data analysis for health-related research, including study design, grant or protocol development, sample size and power calculations, data management, data analysis, and scientific writing. Support can range from hourly support on a short-term project to including a biostatistician on a long-term grant collaboration.

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IU Indianapolis

Designated Service Core

Cellular Response Technologies Core

Conduct validated and highly reproducible in vitro and in vivo angiogenesis, endothelial, hematopoietic and multi-parametric flow cytometry assays and their role in normal and patient-related hematologic and cardiovascular disorders. The ABC also manages an IncuCyte Zoom and Seahorse XFp.

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IU Bloomington

Non-Designated Service Resource

Center for Evaluation, Policy, and Research (CEPR)

CEPR provides rigorous, high-quality, non-partisan evaluation, policy analyses, and research for meaningful, useful, and actionable data for clients and project stakeholders. Clients include international, federal and state agencies, public and private organizations, and foundations and endowments working across a range of fields and disciplines.

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics (CGB)

The CGB offers a wide range of genomic services, including high-throughput DNA/RNA extraction, library preparation, next-generation sequencing, and bioinformatic analysis.

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IU Indianapolis

Designated Service Core

Center for Medical Genomics (CMG)

The Center for Medical Genomics provides high-throughput genomics services including: genomic DNA sequencing, transcriptome RNA sequencing, miRNA sequencing, methylome or targeted methylation sequencing, protein DNA/RNA interaction (ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq and CLIP-seq), 10x single cell or single nuclei sequencing, and SNP genotyping.

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Center for Survey Research (CSR)

Leading academic research center providing expert research design, sampling, questionnaire design, interface development and programming, data collection, data processing, and analysis services for wide range of qualitative and quantitative research projects. Partnering on cutting-edge research that involves surveys, interviews, focus groups, or structured observations.

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IU Indianapolis

Designated Service Core

Clinical Pharmacology Analytical Core (CPAC)

The Clinical Pharmacology Analytical core provides drug and metabolite concentrations from a variety of biological matrices such as (but not limited to): plasma, urine, CSF, and tissue using HPLC-MS/MS. Additional services include protein binding of drugs, formulation studies, drug stability, drug metabolism, and metabolite screening.

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Notre Dame

Designated Service Core

Genomics and Bioinformatics Core Facility (GBCF)

The Genomics & Bioinformatics Core Facility (GBCF) at the University of Notre Dame offers comprehensive services and support for state-of-the-art genomics experiments and bioinformatics analysis. This includes next generation Illumina sequencing, a variety of standard and specialty DNA and RNA library construction methods, consultation, and analysis support.

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IU Indianapolis

Non-Designated Service Resource

HANDS In Autism Interdisciplinary Training & Resource Center

The HANDS (Helping Answer Needs by Developing Specialists) in Autism® Interdisciplinary Training & Resource Center is located within the Department of Psychiatry at the Indiana University School of Medicine. The HANDS team offers services including:
(1) recruitment,
(2) behavioral, educational, functional, and/or vocational assessment of individuals across a broad range of ages and functioning levels, and
(3) program evaluation efforts targeted to a range …

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Purdue University

Designated Service Core

Histology Research Laboratory (HRL)

The Histology Research Laboratory is a full service histology laboratory that provides general histology, immunohistochemistry, frozen sectioning, decalcified and undecalcified bone histology, and slide digitization services. Board certified veterinary pathologists are also available for consultation.

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Purdue University

Designated Service Core

Imaging Facility

The Bioscience Imaging Facility, Purdue University, is a 24hr/7day access core facility specializing in confocal microscopy, multi-photon and light sheet microscopy, pre-clinical molecular and nuclear imaging and computed tomography (mCT) with offline analysis workstations.

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IU Indianapolis

Non-Designated Service Resource

Immune Monitoring Core (IMC)

The Immune Monitoring Core (IMC) is a shared resource serving the scientific needs of IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center members regarding immune-based assays. The IMC brings specifically scientific and technical expertise to clinical investigators aiming to define biomarkers of efficacy and/or toxicity of novel immune therapies.

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IU Indianapolis

Designated Service Core

In-Vivo Imaging Core

The In-Vivo Imaging Core provides imaging services for clinical trials, observational, and preclinical studies. We also provide radiochemistry support for molecular imaging. Currently, the Imaging Core is equipped with state-of-the-art imaging systems, including 3T MRI scanners, PET-CT scanners, Bruker 9.4 T preclinical PET-MRI scanner, a Siemens Eclipse Medical Cyclotron, and Radiochemistry Facilities. Highly skilled faculty and staff are available to assist with research …

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Notre Dame

Designated Service Core

Integrated Imaging Facility (NDIIF)

The Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility (NDIIF) is a state-of-the-art research core that makes available to the Notre Dame science and engineering community, as well as external customers, an integrated suite of sophisticated microscopes and imaging stations. The NDIIF also provides resident professional staff (three Ph.D.-level imaging specialists and two technicians) to guide the non-expert users. 

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Macromolecular Crystallography Facility Integrated with the Crystallization Automation Facility (MCF/CAF)

The Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography Facility provides all resources for Crystal Screening and Optimization, Data Collection and Structure Determination of macromolecules.

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Notre Dame

Designated Service Core

Magnetic Resonance Research Center

The Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC) supports research in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, engineering and related fields. The MRRC operates six solution-state NMR spectrometers (400 to 800 MHz), a solid-state 300 MHz NMR instrument, and an X-band EPR spectrometer. Most instruments are equipped with sample changers for increased sample throughput. See the MRRC website for more information.

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Purdue University

Designated Service Core

Pre-Clinical Research Laboratory (PCL)

The Pre-Clinical Research Laboratory (PCL) helps researchers conduct pre-clinical animal research by providing research expertise, technical support, surgical experience, and surgical facilities and equipment. The PCL is a multidisciplinary laboratory where researchers conduct advanced clinical and applied research using induced animal models ranging from rodents to pigs and sheep

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Purdue University

Designated Service Core

Proteomics Facility

The Purdue Proteomics Facility provides chromatography, mass spectrometry and bioinformatic resources for the research communities on campus and beyond for protein characterization. These services include protein identification, relative and absolute quantitation, mapping post-translational modifications, and discovering new protein complexes and protein-protein interactions from a wide variety of sample types such as gel bands, cell or tissue lysates, and plasma or …

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IU Indianapolis

Designated Service Core

Regenstrief Data Services

Services RDS offerings include, but are not limited to:

• Feasibility
• DIY: i2b2
• Cohorts
• Recruitment Lists
• Registries
• Patient Lists
• Geocoding
• Phenotyping
• Deidentification
• EHR Integration/Innovation
• Application Development
• Application Prototypes
• Natural Language Processing (NLP)
• Data Linkage
• Machine Learning Models …

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IU Indianapolis

Designated Service Core

Translation Core

The Translation Core provides services that facilitate the conduct of research involving human subjects, including supplying low-cost, high-quality analyte measurements for a variety of hormones, cytokines, lipids and other analytes. Translation Core human studies services include phenotyping (i.e. GTT, clamp studies, tracer studies), and access to a biobank of human tissues and serum.

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Purdue University

Non-Designated Service Resource

Veterinary Clinical Trials (VCT)

The Veterinary Clinical Trials Support Service (VCT) facilitates veterinary clinical trials and provides expertise and technical support for translational clinical investigations using animal models of spontaneous, naturally-occurring diseases in client-owned animals and for trials leading to novel drugs or devices.

|2025-01-21T11:24:05-05:00January 21st, 2025|Comments Off on Service Cores

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