Nurse Practitioner Joins CRC, Adds New Services

February 16, 2022

headshot of Tina NitsosAdditional services will be added to the Indiana Clinical Research Center since Tina Nitsos, MSN, FNP-C, RN joined the team on January 17. Her dual Registered Nurse and Nurse Practitioner degrees will now allow for physical exams, review of lab results, and assistance to study investigators with patient visit requirements. Nitsos will also be the primary contact for all nursing questions and concerns ( / 317-278-3567).

“I really enjoy clinical research,” Nitsos said. “Learning new things and being around people who love furthering science is exciting for me and being able to help physicians in ways that will save them time is also a benefit to the clinic.”

The Indiana CTSI Clinical Research Center provides high-quality research services and facilities for Indiana CTSI investigators, including clinic space and skilled nursing staff. Nitsos worked at the CRC as an RN from June 2010 to August 2015 providing nurse support and completing study procedures for a variety of studies. One of the roles she enjoyed most during this time was creating nursing care plans based on research protocols.

Nitsos received her RN from Purdue in 1995 and Master of Science in Nursing for Certified Family Nurse Practitioner (NP) from Ball State University in 2015. During the past 10 years she has been a NP for the Jane Pauley Community Health Center, Journey Road Treatment Center, and IU Health Business Solutions.

|2022-02-17T17:12:28-05:00February 16th, 2022|Comments Off on Nurse Practitioner Joins CRC, Adds New Services

About the Author: Robyn Hawn

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Robyn serves as the administrative coordinator for the Indiana CTSI Communications team.

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