Open Funding Opportunities

Open Funding Opportunities2024-09-13T05:25:26-04:00

Translational Research Development Program

This page lists all Indiana CTSI funding opportunities currently accepting applications. Clicking on the Request For Application (RFA) title will provide you with further details.

The “Click here to start a submission” link at the bottom of each RFA will take you to the Indiana CTSI grants system (which requires login) and allows you to start the application process.

The “Return to your submission” link at the bottom of each RFA will take you to the Indiana CTSI grants system (which requires login) and allows you to return to an application that you have already started (once your account has been created if you are a new user).

The Indiana CTSI also has several resources to assist you as you plan your RFA submission:



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IUSM Eligible

Collaboration focused

IU / IUB / IUPUI Eligible

Education focused

Purdue Eligible

Innovation focused

Notre Dame Eligible

Institutional resource award

Non-CTSI Eligible

IU Simon Comphrehensive Cancer Center

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IUSCCC “Near-Miss” NIH R01 Initiative



The IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center (IUSCCC) is providing an opportunity to fund cancer focused PI-directed applications to the National Institutes of Health that have been reviewed once and missed the NIH pay line and have a high potential for obtaining external funding. The goal is to increase the cancer focused NIH funding base in the IUSCCC. Non-NCI targeted applications should have significant cancer relevance.

Investigators wishing to apply to this funding mechanism must first submit a draft cover letter (letter of intent) for approval by the IUSCCC Executive Committee before working with a Coordinator to submit a full application. Once approved, the link for submitting the online application will be sent.

Maximum allowable amount for R01, R42 and R44 grants is $50K with P01 and SPORE funding amounts evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Contact for Letter of Intent and Questions: Kaitlin Condron or Crystal Baker

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IUSCCC Community-Academic Collaborative Program Award

$ / C / IUSCCC

LETTER OF INTENT (LOI) SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Rolling submission via email to

FULL SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Rolling submission Investigators wishing to apply to this funding mechanism must first submit a Letter of Intent for approval to Once approved, the link for submitting the online application will be sent.

IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, Office of Community Outreach and Engagement is inviting collaborative proposals for implementing evidence-based cancer related programs within the community. Proposals should focus on the cancer burden in Indiana. The program should have an evaluation component and priority will be given to one of the major cancer burdens in Indiana including lung, breast, colon, pancreas, prostate and cervical. We are particularly interested in programs that can lower risk behaviors related to cancers which drive cancer incidence and morbidity. Of particular interest are community-led programs that will increase our reach or understanding of the underserved populations in Indiana. The project must be co-led by an IUSCCC faculty member and community advocate or partner.

The duration of this funding is one year, and the budget should not exceed $15,000.

Contact:  Crystal Baker

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Indiana Department of Health Trauma System Development Grant

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Rolling submission.

$$$ / N

The Indiana Department of Health’s Division of Trauma and Injury Prevention has been provided funding to support quality improvement projects and the ongoing development of the statewide trauma system. To aid in the implementation of trauma system projects, the Indiana Department of Health will fund the following strategies. Applicants must implement projects that target at least one strategy but can address multiple strategies if appropriate.

  • Strategy 1:Trauma System Development
  • Strategy 2: Quality Improvement
  • Strategy 3: Trauma and Non-Trauma Center Engagement
  • Strategy 4: Injury Prevention Programming

This request for application (RFA) is designed for all interested entities wishing to submit proposals for trauma system development under the core strategies outlined above. Funding decisions for all proposals submitted under this program will be made following a review process by the Indiana Trauma Care Commission (TCC) and IDOH.

Eligible applicants might include hospitals, hospital networks, first responder agencies, statewide organizations, and entities with previous experience leading quality improvement activities. An entity may submit more than one proposal.

Applicants will be allocated a set dollar amount based on the project scope and potential impact to address outlined strategies and improve Indiana’s trauma system.

NOTE: If your application is selected for funding, IDOH will work with you to create the ID numbers defined below that are requested in the application form. These numbers are necessary prior to the finalization of a contract with the State. If you have these numbers already established, please include them in your application.

AOS (Auditor of State) Supplier ID: This number is created by the State Comptroller’s Office and is required for you to receive a contract, purchase order, or receive a payment from the State of Indiana. It requires a W-9 Form AND a Direct Deposit Form

Tax ID/EIN: An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number and is used to identify a business entity. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issues this number.

IDOA Bidder ID: IDOA Supplier Portal, a ten-digit number assigned to companies when they register to bid on solicitations for new state contracts without having to detail certain corporation specifics on each submitted bid. You must have an IDOA Bidder ID. Register here

Contact: :

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Large Collaborative Grant RFA


$$ / IUSM

This Executive Associate Dean for Research (EADR) sponsored program is intended to support large, collaborative, interdisciplinary grants including, but not limited to, program project grants (P01s), center grants (P30s, P50s, P60s), and cooperative agreements (U54s). The goal of this initiative is to bring together faculty of Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) to collaborate and develop novel concepts that advance the mission and research goals of IUSM. These funds must be used for experiments to generate data to support the grant application. Support for this program is dependent on the availability of funds from the EADR.

Please see RFA linked below for details.


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Community Health Partnerships (CHeP) Trailblazer Planning Grant


$ / IUSM / C / IU / PU / ND / N / IUSCCC

Indiana CTSI Community Health Partnerships (CHeP) is soliciting proposals for the development of community-university partnerships to improve health, examine social determinants of health (SDoH), or enhance health equity, to result in future collaborative research proposals. The award can be used to establish new partnerships or to strengthen/expand existing community-university partnerships to solve critical health problems affecting Indiana residents. This award will not fund research pilot projects; instead, it will fund activities to help develop partnerships between organizations that have potential to later engage in joint research projects to address health, health equity, or SDoH. The expected outcome of this award is the development of a future research proposal for opportunities such as the Community Health Partnerships Trailblazer Award (Trailblazer Award). Examples of partnership development activities we are interested in funding include meetings, conferences, travel expenses, stakeholder interviews, and quality improvement assessments.

There must be at least one university-based partner and one community-based partner. All partners must currently be employed in Indiana-based institutions or organizations.

Awards will be up to $5,000 for one year to allow for partnership growth and collaborative grant proposal development.


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IU Grant Linking Universitywide Expertise (GLUE) Award

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: September 30, 2024

$$$ / IUSM / C / IU / PU / ND

The mission of the Grants Linking University–wide Expertise (GLUE) awards is to support “the planning and team building across campuses to develop of large multi-investigator and/or multi-project, milestone-driven, translational research teams who are planning to eventually submit a multi-year extramural grant applications with annual budgets of $300K or higher in direct costs per year”. Examples of such grants include (but are not limited to) PPGs, U series, multi PI R01s, STTRs and SPORE grants. Applications for GLUE grants are accepted for review at any stage of their development. It is expected that these planning/seed grants will increase multidisciplinary collaborations, institutional competitiveness, opportunities for extramurally funded training grants and overall institutional funding.

The GLUE funding is available to collaborative teams where the lead PI of the research team is from IUB, and the other members of the team are from Indiana CTSI affiliate campuses. Applications are expected to have a maximum requested amount 100,000 per year for up to two years.

Contact: Joel Ybe

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IU Health Values Fund Grant Pilot & Feasibility Program: Education


$$$ / IUSM / N

Indiana University Health’s strength in providing excellent patient care is partially based on involvement in the continuous development of new, pre-eminent health care professionals throughout the entire workforce and innovative care delivery models. The Indiana University Health is seeking applicants for the IUH Pilot and Feasibility Education Program.

Areas of interest for 2024 round of Values Fund for Education grants are:

  1. healthcare disparities and inequities, with curriculum benefiting healthcare providers and not focused on a community audience
  2. rural health
  3. behavioral health
  4. point of care ultrasound
Applications should be designed to primarily benefit healthcare providers and should not focus on a community audience.

Funding is limited to a maximum of $50,000 per year for two years.


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IU Health Values Fund Grant Pilot & Feasibility Program: Research


$$$ / IUSM / N

Indiana University Health will invest in the conduct of clinically relevant research that is scientifically meritorious and medically sound, and has a clear benefit to Indiana University Health and the population it serves. The research projects funded by this program must conform to and support the Values Statements of Indiana University Health.

A high priority for this upcoming 2024-25 cycle includes studies that promote health equity with a focus on established health equity priorities (i.e. smoking cessation, mental health, hypertension, etc.) and studies involving health equity research. A secondary priority is to promote young investigators pursuing clinical research towards independence and peer-reviewed extramural funding.

Applications to this program are limited to $150,000 over a three (3) year duration , with a $50,000 per year maximum.


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IUSCCC American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant Competition

NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) SUBMISSION DEADLINE: October 2, 2024 @ 11:59PM EST emailed to
FULL SUBMISSION DEADLINE: October 21, 2024 @ 11:59PM EST emailed to

$$ / IU

The IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center is pleased to announce the availability of funds from the American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant (ACS-IRG) for new pilot projects to assist new investigators at Indiana University who hold the rank of Assistant Professor, Research Assistant Professor, or Assistant Scientist and who are within six years of their first independent research or faculty appointment but without an active (i.e., NIH, NSF, ACS) national competitive research grant, regardless of the topic.

This grant provides support for beginning investigators at IU to enable them to initiate their independent research program and funding can be requested up to $50,000.

Contact:Crystal Banks;

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IUSCCC Cancer Disparities

NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) SUBMISSION DEADLINE: October 9, 2024 @ 11:59PM EST emailed to

Submission link will be mailed to applicants once the NOI is approved.

$$ / C / IUSCCC

A primary goal of the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center is to stimulate multi-disciplinary and translational research and is now inviting proposals for pilot/feasibility research projects with a focus on reducing cancer disparities.

The purpose of this Cancer Disparity RFA is to promote collaboration in the form of pilot projects in cancer disparity research. The duration of this pilot funding is one year, and the budget should not exceed $50,000.

Contact:Vicki Clements;

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Pediatric Fellow Research Projects


$ / IUSM

The Department of Pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine is pleased to announce the availability of grants to support research projects conducted by pediatric clinical fellows in accredited fellowship programs within the sections of the Department of Pediatrics.

Fellow research projects can request funding up to $10,000. It is anticipated that five to seven awards will be made.

Contact Information: Dr. Erick Forno /317-274-4920

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Early Career Investigator Awards in Clinical - Translational Research (K12)


E / IU / IUSM / PU / ND

The Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute is requesting applications for K12 Early Career Investigator clinical – translational research proposals.

These awards are designed to provide promising early career faculty investigators the opportunity to be mentored in research-intensive, multi-disciplinary settings toward the goal of developing careers in clinical - translational research. Emphasis of the Indiana CTSI K12 Early Career Investigator Awards in Clinical - Translational Research are to move findings from basic laboratory and pre-clinical research toward the development of new treatment options or interventions or clinical trials to eventual dissemination or clinical implementation to studying population health outcomes and health metrics. The phases of translational research may not necessarily be linear and can jump steps depending on the research project and the starting point. The goal of the Indiana CTSI is to make awards at all of these stages. It is important that the clinical - translational research have clear applications to human disease and health outcomes.

For details and eligibility requirements, please see the links below for the full announcement and other supporting documents. Applicants should open and read all of the links under “Files for Investigators” before starting a submission.

Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to send their current CV to Patricia McGuire ( for eligibility pre-screening no later than December 06, 2024.

Contact:  Patricia McGuire / 317-278-2824

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Indiana Traumatic Spinal Cord & Brain Injury Research


$$$ / IUSM / IU / PU / I / ND / N

The overall objective of the Indiana Traumatic Spinal Cord & Brain Injury Research program is to foster and encourage research for the prevention, treatment and cure of spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries, including acute management, medical complications, rehabilitative techniques, and neuronal recovery. Collaborations are encouraged between Indiana-based researchers as well as with researchers located outside the state of Indiana, including researchers in other countries. Salary support for collaborators outside of Indiana will be limited, however.
Maximum requested amount:

  • Basic science proposals may request up to $80,000 per year for two years
  • Clinical research proposals (i.e. involving human subjects, human biological samples, or data from human subjects) may request up to $100,000 per year for two years
  • Early commercialization proposals targeting new technologies (i.e. diagnostic or therapeutic drugs / devices) may request up to $100,000 for one year

  • Priority will be given to:
  • Researchers who are submitting revised applications from the 2021 RFA
  • Junior investigators (within 5 years of their last training period at the time of submission)
  • Researchers embarking on a new research direction
  • Returning investigators whose prior awards have resulted in demonstrable movement along the translational spectrum (e.g. from in vitro to in vivo) and/or led to extramural research support
  • Early commercialization research that is reasonably expected to lead to future funding (SBIR/STTR, private investment)
  • Contact:

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    Activity Based Therapy Program for the Indiana Traumatic Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Fund

    SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 4, 2024

    $$$ / N

    The overall objective of this program is to foster and encourage activity-based therapy programs for the treatment of spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries, including acute management, medical complications, rehabilitative techniques, and neuronal recovery.

    For the purposes of this RFA “activity based therapy” refers to functional and task-specific activities with the goal to promote neuroplasticity and recovery following neurologic injury due to brain injury or spinal cord injury.

    The initiative for funding activity based therapy programs consists of two funding mechanisms: 1) an RFA for programs providing rehabilitative clinical care and employing “activity based” approaches for traumatic spinal cord injury persons, and 2) an RFA for programs providing rehabilitative clinical care and employing “activity based” approaches for traumatic brain injury persons.

    Applications for each RFA may be submitted for up to a maximum requested amount of $150,000 for the total duration of the project. Programs must be conducted in compliance with all state and federal laws.


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    Showalter Trust

    DEADLINE FOR ROUTING TO ORA: January 9, 2025 5:00 PM


    $$ / IUSM

    Since 1975, IUSM has received research funding through gifts made possible from the Ralph W. and Grace M. Showalter Research Trust Fund. The areas of appropriate biomedical research, eligible for funding, are broad and described by the benefactors as “the type of medical research that is most likely to permanently benefit mankind.” Donor intent prohibits the use of Showalter Trust funds for research in psychiatry, sociology, or social studies.

    Only current full-time faculty (non-visiting status) having a primary appointment in IUSM and a rank of assistant professor or assistant scientist are eligible to apply for funding from the Showalter Research Trust. Note that the same proposal may not be submitted as both a Biomedical Research Grant and a Showalter Trust application. If eligible for both programs, the investigator is encouraged to submit to the Showalter Trust.

    Applications for funding from the Ralph W. and Grace M. Showalter Research Trust will be reviewed in two stages. An initial review by the IUSM Biomedical Research Committee (BRC) will select the most meritorious proposals for further discussion and ranking. The BRC will then provide a recommended ranking to the Showalter Trustees who conduct a second review. Final funding decisions are made by the Showalter Trustees.

    Applications should have a maximum requested amount of $75,000.

    Contact:  317-278-2822

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    Indiana CTSI – IU Kelley MBA Core & Project Business Management Assistance

    SUBMISSION DEADLINE: December 9, 2024

    IU / IUSM / PU / ND / R

    The Indiana CTSI, jointly with the IU Kelley School of Business, is providing an opportunity to receive business management assistance by teams of Kelley School of Business students (2-5 students per project) for any Cores, resources, programs and units that provide a central service to CTSI investigators (see RFA for examples of assistance).

    Students are part of the IU Bloomington Kelley residential-MBA program independent study program for course credit and the duration will be 8 weeks. Selected awardees will be expected to engage with the MBA students on the initial project scope (2 hours), additional follow-up or onsite meetings (8-12 hours) and a final project close-out (1-2 hours).

    An article highlighting the contributions of previous Kelley MBA student teams to CTSI cores and resources was published on the Indiana CTSI website.

    Selected projects will commence in early March 2025 and will be completed by early May 2025.

    Contact: Rob Dimmitt, Sr. Director, Research Administration and Finance

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    Biomedical Research Grant (BRG)

    SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 16, 2025

    $$ / IUSM

    The Biomedical Research Grant program is open to all IU School of Medicine (IUSM) faculty that are full-time, regardless of tenure status, having an appointment of Assistant/Associate/Full Professor and Assistant/Associate/Full Scientist. In general, two categories of research projects will benefit from this program: 1) research projects of investigators new to IUSM who do not yet have extramural funding and who need support to acquire the preliminary data necessary to compete for extramural funding; 2) research projects of established IUSM investigators who are between funding periods from extramural sources.

    Applications are considered small grants and should have a maximum requested amount of $50,000 and be limited to one (1) year duration

    Contact: 317-278-2822

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    Research Enhancement Grant (REG)

    SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 16, 2025

    $$ / IUSM

    The IUSM Research Enhancement Program is designed to stimulate research productivity at the statewide Centers for Medical Education (regional campuses) including the Bloomington Medical Sciences Program. This does not include the IU Indianapolis campus. All full-time Center/Medical Sciences faculty, regardless of tenure status, having an appointment of Assistant/Associate/Full Professor or Assistant/Associate/Full Scientist at time of submission, are eligible to apply for a Research Enhancement Grant. Primary appointment must be in the School of Medicine. Faculty in visiting ranks are not eligible for funding through this mechanism.

    Applications are considered small grants and should have a maximum requested amount of $50,000 and be limited to one (1) year duration

    Contact: 317-278-2822

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    A statewide partnership with Indiana University, Purdue University, the University of Notre Dame, and the Regenstrief Institute

    HITS Building, 410 West 10th Street, Suite 1000, Indianapolis, IN 46202 (317) 278-CTSI (2874)

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