Why did you choose to apply to this program? |
unclear how the program will fit with goals or will help the student explore options. |
makes some connections between program and goals or how it will be used to explore options. |
makes clear connections between program and goals or how it will be used to explore options. |
Is there a specific health problem you would like to learn about or help address? |
no specific examples of a field/topic. |
Some description of interest in a field but without specific rationale |
clear example of a field of interest with supporting information |
What personal/technical skills will you bring that you think will enhance the immersive research experience? |
no specific examples given, or unclear or vague connections between transferable skills and experiences to date and how those might fit with an internship. |
at least one specific example and some detail and connections between transferable skills and experiences to date and how those might fit with an internship. |
at least two examples of clearly identified transferable skills and experiences gained to date and how those fit with an internship. |
What are your career aspirations and how do you think this program can help you achieve them |
does not express interest in transfer enrollment, a specific career path, or interest in exploring career options through the program. No connection between program and goals. |
some interest in transfer enrollment, a career path, and/or still exploring options. Unclear connection between program, goals, and exploration of careers. |
strong interest in transfer enrollment or a particular career path and/or has identified some option(s) to explore in depth. Clear connection between program, goals, and exploration of career options. |
How have your lived experiences contributed to your interest in the program? |
no specific examples given |
at least one specific example but details not clearly presented linking to the program |
clear connection between a past experience and the program |
What else do you plan to do during your time at Ivy Tech to help explore career options and gain transferrable skills? Why are those activities on your radar? |
no specific examples given, or unclear or no plans other experiences and exploration. |
at least one specific example of other opportunities for exploration or gaining experience. Vague plan or unable to specify next steps. |
at least two specific examples and includes how other experiences fit into the bigger plans, exploration of options, and/or next career steps. |
Completeness |
responses very brief |
goes into some detail, could give more. |
thoughtfully considered responses to questions. |
Overall Impression |
Appears to have put minimal effort or didn’t put much thought into the application. |
Some effort visible, seems to have an idea of what they want to do but may not always be able to articulate. |
Appears to have spent time preparing the application and responses. Has clearly considered goals, plans, how this program helps. |