The authors of this article argue that random testing (i.e., polling the fraction of infected people in the population) is central to managing the COVID-19 pandemic. They believe that random testing, as opposed to testing confined to particular sub-populations (e.g.,
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This article describes the efforts to coordinate responses across multiple states to reopen their economies amid the Coronavirus outbreak. Today, New York Governor Cuomo announced the formation of a council comprised of scientific, economic and political leaders from each of
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This analysis by leading health law and bioethics scholar Hank Greeley examines challenges with using “immunity cards,” “immunity certificates,” “Covid passports” or other such devices as part of the process of “reopening” society before robust treatments and/or effective vaccines become
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This report from the team of experts that published the earlier Road Map to Reopening report describes the core capabilities and processes states need to build to allow our response to be more granular than the current, broadly applied institutional
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