The Connection covers news and updates from the Connections IN Health team, including resources specifically related to the
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These resources are shared by the Connections IN Health team to provide encouragement and support specifically related to chronic diseases the initiatives address. Please let us know if you are in need of a resource that we may be able to provide.
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February is American Heart Month, a time to focus on and raise awareness about heart health while also taking active steps to reduce your own risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). As the number one leading cause of death for Americans,Read More
Research has consistently shown that engaging in regular physical activity can lead to significant improvements in mental health. Exercise has been linked to reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression, improved mood, and enhanced cognitive function. The relationship between physical activityRead More
The Indiana Joint Asthma Coalition (InJAC) has been a trusted resource in Indiana for the past twenty years. Each year the coalition shares how freezing air affects people with asthma and respiratory diseases. Check out Cold Air and Asthma =Read More
Start your holiday season with “the apple of your eye” on December 1st by celebrating National Eat a Red Apple Day! Enjoy this healthy and sweet American classic by yourself, or with friends and family! No matter how you chopRead More
November is Diabetes Awareness Month, a time to learn about diabetes and how it affects people in Indiana and around the world. This year, World Diabetes Day is on November 14, with the theme “Access to Diabetes Care.” This meansRead More
The fall season marks the start of National Children’s Health Month, this year the theme is “Growing Healthy, Growing Happy.” For twenty-five years the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has worked towards improving the health of children by enacting policies thatRead More
On July 13, 2024, a collaboration between the iHeart Collaborative and the Cardiovascular and Diabetes Coalition of Indiana, both part of Connections IN Health, a project within Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, culminated in a health fair in theRead More
Indianapolis, IN- The recent fire at a plastics recycling plant in Richmond, Indiana is an important reminder about air quality and asthma for residents of Indiana. While the fire has died down, the air still contains chemicals and fine particlesRead More
The community engaged approach aims to reduce cardiovascular disease and its related complications among residents of medically underserved communities in Indianapolis. Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Connections IN Health program is working with the Indiana University Health, IUPUI Polis CenterRead More