Do You Know Your Epinephrine Options?

Do You Know Your Epinephrine Options?

May 15, 2020

photo of eggs, waffles and bowl of flourWhen it comes to food allergies and anaphylaxis, it is recommended that one be deliberate and not hesitate when using epinephrine.  A form of adrenaline – epinephrine is a hormone the human body creates naturally in response to stress. When injected, epinephrine works rapidly to constrict blood vessels, which helps increase blood pressure and keep blood flowing to vital organs. (Anaphylaxis can cause a severe and life-threatening drop in blood pressure.) It also relaxes airways to improve breathing, relieves cramping in the gastrointestinal tract, decreases swelling, and helps blocks itching and hives. Epinephrine reverses symptoms and allows time to seek additional care. Side effects from epinephrine may include rapid heart rate, feeling jittery, weakness, paleness, and headache. Side effects are generally mild and go away within a few minutes.  This medication is potentially life-saving and can be found through the following resources.

Visit the Food Allergy Awareness Website for more information.

Find out more information for epinephrine here.

Please visit the Connections IN Health Facebook page for more resources.

|2020-10-22T17:29:20-04:00May 15th, 2020|CINH - Cardiovascular and Diabetes Coalition Resources, CINH - Hoosier Health and Wellness Alliance Resources, CINH The Connection resources|Comments Off on Do You Know Your Epinephrine Options?

About the Author: Karen Hinshaw

Karen Hinshaw

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