Indiana CTSI and Ivy Tech Research Scholars Program2025-02-18T08:38:21-05:00

Indiana CTSI and Ivy Tech Research Scholars Program

The Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (Indiana CTSI), in collaboration with Ivy Tech Community College, coordinates a program focused on providing immersive research experiences for Ivy Tech learners. The program provides students with the opportunity to gain hands-on research experience to increase their awareness of, and interest in, translational research to accelerate the pace of taking medicine from the “bench to the bedside.”

Program Basics:

Accepted students are matched with a research experience at the campus that is nearest their home Ivy Tech campus:

Students will engage in immersion experiences during the 2025 summer (tentative program planned May 28th – August 6th). Learners will conduct research for ~35 hours per week. Participants in this program will be encouraged to limit classes and other work obligations as the internship is considered equivalent to a full-time job (typically Monday-Friday, ~7 hours a day).

The program plans to accept up to ~16 students for summer 2025 program.

Application deadline is 5:00pm on April 4, 2025:

Apply here:

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Any student currently enrolled at an Ivy Tech campus within 30 miles of Bloomington, Indianapolis, West Lafayette or South Bend. Ivy Tech students outside of these geographical regions may be considered under special circumstances.
  • Will have completed at least one semester of classes at Ivy Tech at the time of application and be enrolled (or plan to enroll) in Fall 2026.
  • Students must remain at Ivy Tech through the duration of the internship; individuals who transfer to another University will have continued participation assessed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Only US citizens and permanent residents may apply

Program Benefits:

  • Work with research teams
  • Expand career development in biomedical and life science areas
  • Receive access to the affiliated campus and its resources
  • Earn $15/hour for work activities
  • Scholars will be provided a new laptop, to support their research and scholarly activities for the duration of the program.


  1. Application Intake form:
  2. Applicant questions (short answer). Please see rubric to help guide how reviewers will be evaluating.
  3. Letter of Support. A brief letter of support from a faculty or staff member at Ivy Tech that addresses why they think you would be a good fit for this Scholar program

Applicant selection:

  • Complete applications will be reviewed by a selection committee composed of CTSI and Ivy Tech faculty/staff
  • Reviewers will score each of the application questions, along with two additional criteria (completeness and overall impression) based on a rubric and scoring on a scale of 1-5 for each criterion.

Program Expectations:

  • All students will be hired as ‘employees’ through Indiana University for the purposes of payment. The program will help facilitate the hiring, but Scholars are expected to be active partners in completing the paperwork in a timely fashion.
  • Present research conducted over the summer at one of the CTSI retreats/meetings.
  • Engage in activities with the assigned research experience.
  • Complete all safety/training requirements for the research experience as needed.
  • Communicate with Program and research mentor (or designee) on a frequent basis.
  • Attend program meetings with Program Directors and fellow Scholars throughout the program duration.
  • Participate in program evaluations throughout and after the program.

Participant Testimonials

The best aspect of the program was the whole experience of working in a laboratory for me. I did an associates of biology but had never gotten the feel of what it actually feels like or takes to work in a research lab, I got this through this research program. I have gained technical proficiency in techniques such as western blotting, imaging of proteins, preparation of samples for an experiment and also running gels. This was one of the best experiences I have had.

I greatly appreciate and cherish the relationships and connections I’ve made throughout the summer. I’ve found a wonderful community in science–everyone I worked with was knowledgeable, friendly, patient, encouraging, informative, supportive, and offered incredible guidance, insight, and resources. My mentor and team taught me countless concepts and procedures that I will utilize the rest of my life. I gained a broader perspective and a passion for science and research that I will integrate into my schooling and career.

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