Service Cores

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Service Cores

Indiana CTSI Research Service Cores and Resources

The Indiana CTSI Research Service Cores and Resources are your aid to locate instrumentation and services suited to your research. A listing of a Core’s capabilities, contact information, and website address can be found by clicking their ‘Learn More’ button. All of the Designated Service Cores are eligible for CTSI Core Pilot grants and Post-Doc grants
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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Biostatistics Consulting Center

The Biostatistics Consulting Center provides study design and data analysis for health-related research, including study design, grant or protocol development, sample size and power calculations, data management, data analysis, and scientific writing. Support can range from hourly support on a short-term project to including a biostatistician on a long-term grant collaboration.

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IU Bloomington

Non-Designated Service Resource

Center for Evaluation, Policy, and Research (CEPR)

CEPR provides rigorous, high-quality, non-partisan evaluation, policy analyses, and research for meaningful, useful, and actionable data for clients and project stakeholders. Clients include international, federal and state agencies, public and private organizations, and foundations and endowments working across a range of fields and disciplines.

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics (CGB)

The CGB offers a wide range of genomic services, including high-throughput DNA/RNA extraction, library preparation, next-generation sequencing, and bioinformatic analysis.

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Center for Survey Research (CSR)

Leading academic research center providing expert research design, sampling, questionnaire design, interface development and programming, data collection, data processing, and analysis services for wide range of qualitative and quantitative research projects. Partnering on cutting-edge research that involves surveys, interviews, focus groups, or structured observations.

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

CISAB Mechanisms of Behavior Laboratory

The Mechanisms of Behavior Core offers the equipment, reagents, bench space, and expertise to answer questions related to the roles of genetics and hormones in relation to animal behavior.

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IU Bloomington

Non-Designated Service Resource

Drosophila Genomics Resource Center

Resource center providing cDNAs, plasmids, Drosophila cell lines, transgenic cell line and authentication service.

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Electron Microscopy Center (IUB-EMC)

The IU Bloomington Electron Microscopy Center (IUB-EMC) provides equipment, services and expertise for biological and material science electron microscopy.

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Flow Cytometry Core Facility (FCCF)

The IU-B FCCF provides flow cytometry analysis, sorting and cell counting services, access to flow cytometry data analysis software, assistance with experimental design, and houses a mobile (on a cart) flow cytometry analyzer and a large particle sorter.

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Imaging Research Facility (IRF)

The IRF is a state-of-the-art neuroimaging facility that enables cutting-edge neuroscience research and training using non-invasive imaging methodologies, including both MRI and EEG.

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR)

LAR provides housing, food, water, bedding, enrichment and medical care for animals housed in LAR animal facilities to be used for research. Research is overseen by an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and the Institutional Official and is accredited by AAALAC International and their three primary standards (The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching, and the European …

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Laboratory for Biological Mass Spectrometry (LBMS)

The LBMS uses mass spectrometry to characterize proteins as well as other biologically-derived molecules. It specializes in the characterization of protein post-translational modifications, including glycosylation, phosphorylation, acetylation and persulfidation (S-sulfhydration). We also have an emphasis on identification of protein-interactions (including determination of protein-protein crosslinks) and quantitative comparisons of complex samples.

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Light Microscopy Imaging Center (LMIC)

The LMIC provides access and training for confocal and super-resolution light microscopy systems with support for experimental design and data visualization.

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

Macromolecular Crystallography Facility Integrated with the Crystallization Automation Facility (MCF/CAF)

The Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography Facility provides all resources for Crystal Screening and Optimization, Data Collection and Structure Determination of macromolecules.

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IU Bloomington

Non-Designated Service Resource

Mass Spectrometry Facility

The Indiana University Mass Spectrometry Facility (MSF) provides qualitative and quantitative small molecule mass spectrometry data. It also confirms chemical formulae of novel compounds by accurate mass spectrometry.

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IU Bloomington

Non-Designated Service Resource

METACyt Biochemical Analysis Center

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IU Bloomington

Designated Service Core

NMR Facility

The NMR Facility offers solution NMR spectroscopy services for small and large molecules.

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IU Bloomington

Non-Designated Service Resource

Oxidative Stress and Environmental Analysis Core

The Oxidative Stress Environmental Analysis Core laboratory has established a number of measurements for assessing oxidative stress and damage in a variety of biological samples with excellent accuracy and reproducibly using state of the art LC-MSMS, GC, and PCR equipment.

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IU Bloomington

Non-Designated Service Resource

Physical and Biochemistry Instrumentation Facility (PBIF)

The PBIF provides resources to characterize particle properties as well as macromolecular interactions.

|2024-06-05T15:44:50-04:00June 5th, 2024|Comments Off on Service Cores

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