Preclinical Modeling and Therapeutics Core (PMTC)

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Preclinical Modeling and Therapeutics Core (PMTC)

Preclinical Modeling and Therapeutics Core (PMTC)

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Indiana University School of Medicine

PMTC Director:

Karen E. Pollok, PhD

Manager, Cellular Response Technologies team:

Emily Sims

Manager, In Vivo Therapeutics team:

Tony Sinn

Scientific Director, IVIS SpectrumCT Imaging:

Paul R. Territo, PhD


The Preclinical Modeling and Therapeutics Core (PMTC) facilitates the development of pharmacological and cellular therapies for cancer. It provides advanced resources essential for the preclinical validation of novel drug targets and biomarkers of cancer. The PMTC provides expertise in:
• Cellular response technologies
• Breeding of specialized mouse strains
• Tumor modeling
• In vivo therapeutics efficacy & safety testing
• Hematopoietic & immune cell analysis

The Cellular Response Technologies (CRT) team focuses on in vitro assays to evaluate angiogenesis, proliferation, cell death, and metabolism in normal and diseased cells derived from animal sources and patient samples. Multi-parametric flow cytometry is available to define cellular phenotypes and frequencies of hematopoietic, immune and cancer cell populations. The CRT is equipped with IncuCyte ZOOM and S3 imaging which provides longitudinal, real-time assessment of cellular behavior including angiogenesis, apoptosis, cell migration/invasion, immune function, and 3D spheroid formation. The CRT also oversees the Seahorse XFp analyzer for analysis of metabolic pathways.

The In Vivo Therapeutics (IVT) team maintains on-site breeding colonies of specialized immunocompetent (BoyJ, C57/Bl6, BoyJ/Bl6 F1) and immunodeficient (NSG, NSGS and NRG) mouse strains. As requested and coordinated by research programs, the IVT team supports the validation of syngeneic mouse tumor models and development of patient-derived human xenografts. The IVT team manages all aspects of the IVIS SpectrumCT optical imaging system to evaluate tumor response in mouse models via bioluminescence and fluorescence modalities. The IVT team also manages the radiation facility and performs irradiation services needed for in vitro and in vivo experiments, including hematopoietic stem-cell transplantations.

|2025-01-21T11:24:05-05:00January 21st, 2025|Comments Off on Preclinical Modeling and Therapeutics Core (PMTC)

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