Contact Tracing

Reopening Primary Schools During the Pandemic An important perspective published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Indiana is one of the earliest states to start the new school year. However, school districts around the country are struggling with the Read More
Is Contact Tracing Working? Contact tracing is a race. But few U.S. states say how fast they’re running. Excellent Washington Post report on the lack of publicly-available data on state and local contact tracing efforts. Contact tracing is a central Read More
Ethical framework for managing the health services response to Covid-19 proposed by UK experts  The authors of “Ethical anchors and explicit objectives: ensuring optimal health outcomes in the Covid 19 pandemic” attempt to fill a gap caused by what they Read More
This statement from over 40 health and medical associations, including the Infectious Diseases Society of America, the American College of Physicians, the American Public Health Association, American College of Emergency Physicians, and the National Association of County and City Health Read More
This article discusses proposals by separate groups of members of Congress to fund the hiring of thousands of people to conduct coronavirus-related contact tracing. This week, two separate proposals were released aimed toward creating a workforce to undertake the critical Read More
ProPublica outlines lessons learned from interviewing frontline officials and experts from Italy, Germany, Spain, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea about reopening society in the wake of the epidemic. To safely move to a more open society, the following 7 steps Read More
In a memorandum published Sunday, April 19, 2020, HHS indicated it will be implementing new requirements “very soon” that nursing homes report resident and staff COVID-19 cases and similar disease incidents to residents, their family representatives, and to the CDC. Read More
This press release describes the economy reopening framework agreed upon by the bipartisan group of governors from Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The governors indicate that the economy will not open all at once. Furthermore, they also Read More
The updated Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan outlines the steps needed to transition to and maintain a steady-state of low-level to no Coronavirus transmission, the best possible available outcome given the lack of immunity or a vaccine at this time. Read More
This report from STAT discusses how, to move toward suppression of COVID-19 in the United States, financially strapped state and local public health agencies nationwide will need to hire potentially hundreds of thousands of fieldworkers to conduct the labor-intensive work Read More

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